Warming up

At last, the weather is warmer...

It feels like we have left the clutches of winter behind us. But beware as my mother used to say “Don’t cast a clout till May is out.“

I think it means don’t get too excited as the weather can soon revert back. Who knows what weather we will get this year? With climate change its really hard to predict.

The campsite is blooming at the moment. The trees are all now covered in beautiful foliage that is that spring green colour you only get this time of the year. The swallows are nesting again in the washing up area and we have blue tits in our nesting boxes. The woodpecker is very loud in the Petite Forêt, but I haven’t managed to see him yet.

In the garden I have a beautiful pink peony that appeared, which excited me as it’s the first time that plant has flowered! They take a little time to establish.

I have just returned from a hectic few days in the UK to visit family and friends and of course spend time with my children and grandchildren. I am so fortunate. We had a great time running round, going to parks, barbeques, riding ponies and of course the littlest one had a birthday while I was there.

I am back now and it's Grandad's time to go and spend a few days with everyone. It's so important to keep the connections going with people older and younger that you care about when you live away. That’s the good side of social media. We can video call them all and it's like we are in the room together.

So this week I will be alone at the camp site. Well, not really as I have lovely campers keeping me company and some great neighbours and friends. We are going to buy the flowers for the pots and baskets on Monday followed by lunch at Restaurant Au Lac which has an amazing menu this year. Mercedes, who is the patron and chef is so creative.

The job after the flowers is to open the snack shack so I am looking forward to that.

If anyone is camping with us on June 8th, we are having a party at the campsite as this is our 10th season, can you believe it. There will be live music and a pie and pea supper!

We are still loving being here in this beautiful place. A camper told me the other day this is paradise, and they are right!

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